Thorburn Road, Wigan, Lancashire, WN5 9LW

School Office: 01942 222721

Early years centre: 01942 776628

St. Cuthbert's Catholic Primary School

With Jesus we love, learn and pray: to grow in the St. Cuthbert's way.

  1. News
  2. Early Years Centre
  3. Medication in centre policy

Medication in centre policy

15 September 2022 (by Tracy Cottam (TCottam))

Dear parents and carers,

It is important that your child is well enough to attend the centre, sending children into the centre who are unwell means that other children may become infected too. Children who are unwell are unsettled and do not learn effectively.

Due to some cases of sick, vomiting and diarrhoea please can we remind you that if your child has been sick, vomiting or had a case of diarrhoea, they must remain at home for 48 hours from the last episode of vomiting or diarrhoea.

This recommendation comes directly from the Health Protection Agency who deals with preventing the spread of infection

Thank you for you co-operation regarding this very important matter

St Cuthbert's Early Years Team